Posted by cdvtechguy on Nov 1st, 2019
This is a Call-to-Action!

This is a Call-to-Action!
We urge you to please take time to speak up and show up in support of the preservation of Southcentral Alaska’s stunning wild salmon ecosystems. This coming week, you can take two actions to address urgent issues that threaten our wild salmon way of life.
Oil & Gas Exploration in Katalla and Controller Bay: Comment deadline this Monday, November 4, by 5PM Alaska time
Alaska DNR is wrong to claim that drilling for oil and gas near the mouth of the pristine Bering River is in the State’s best interest. The license area includes Controller Bay and Katalla, immediately adjacent to the Copper River Delta Critical Habitat Area. The Preliminary Best Interest Finding itself is inadequate and has loopholes.
Cassandra Energy Corporation’s President William Stevens has shown interest in oil drilling in Katalla since the 1980’s. Local groups and the City Council of Cordova are united against oil and gas exploration and development in Controller Bay and Katalla. Individual Cordovans are also expressing concern.
Mike Mickelson, a second-generation Cordovan said: “The regularity of extreme weather events makes it impossible to safeguard our world class salmon habitat. Under no circumstances should oil and gas permitting be allowed in this region. The last attempts of oil development in the 80’s have still not been cleaned up, and it is extremely concerning that there is even consideration of allowing the same company access to this area again.”
Notably, there is no oil spill response plan that includes this particular area.
The staggering economic, ecological, and cultural values of Katalla and Controller Bay cannot be overlooked. Katalla was home to an Eyak Village site. Native Eyak, Chugach and Tlingit people have close ties to both the Bering and Copper River systems.
YOUR PUBLIC COMMENTS, from near and far, will make a difference and help overturn this DNR finding. Remember that in order to have legal standing to appeal the coming final decision you must comment on this Preliminary Best Interest Finding. For a list of comment points to assist your email communication review: Public Comment Points.
Comment Deadline: Monday, November 4, 5PM Alaska Time
Email comments to:
Lifting of the Roadless Rule in the Tongass,
now includes the Chugach National Forest
Anchorage region folks: Attend a Public Meeting hosted by the U.S. Forest Service on Wednesday, November 6th from 6 to 8PM.
This provision would give a single US Forest Service employee the power to modify the boundaries of the “Inventoried Roadless Areas” in the Chugach. Designated “Roadless Areas” are currently protecting 98% of the Chugach National Forest.
We prefer Alternative 1 of the proposed rule, which would leave all of Alaska under the 2001 Roadless Rule, including the Tongass and Chugach National Forests.
For those close to Anchorage, please join us for the meeting at University of Alaska, 3211 Providence Dr , Room #106, Gorsuch Commons on Wednesday, November 6 from 6 to 8PM.
Comment Deadline: Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Email comments to:
What We Do
EPC is a Native-founded, grassroots, environmental organization dedicated to protecting wild salmon habitat, preserving Indigenous cultures and promoting sustainable communities in Prince William Sound, the Copper River Delta and the Gulf of Alaska.
