Interested in Learning More?

Press on Northern Edge and Navy 2017:

Dahr Jamail's latest story:

Alaska Dispatch News:

Alaska Fish Radio:

KMXT Radio:

American Birding Association:


KBBI in Homer re Resolution:

Lawsuit Victory on LFA Sonar:

What the lawsuit actually means:

Truth-Out re Navy Marine Mammal Takes:

Press on Northern Edge 15 - 2015 Navy trainings in the GOA:


Associated Press covers Cordova Protest:

Senator Murkowski and EPC's Emily Stolarcyk:

Kodiak Protest:

Alaska Dispatch News OpEd by Mr. David Grimes:

Democracy Now:

Greenpeace Blog by EPC's Emily Stolarcyk:


Other groups that are or have fought the Navy (and won): 

- West Coast Action Alliance

- Vieques, Puerto Rico 

- Hawaii

- Washington State 

- North Carolina

- Guam

Truth Out Dahr Jamal’s articles:

JBER Websites for Information about North Edge:


A word about Alaska's State Management of Salmon: 

Alaska changed from federal management of its fisheries to state management in 1959. Alaska’s constitution has an article regarding the management and utilization of the state's natural resources. Article VIII, Section 4 states: “Fish, forests, wildlife, grasslands, and all other replenishable resources belonging to the State shall be utilized, developed, and maintained on the sustained yield principle, subject to preferences among beneficial uses.”[1] The Alaska Department of Fish and Game was formed when Alaska became a state. While the Alaska Department of Fish and Game was formed with a strong conservation mandate to manage salmon fisheries for sustained yield, the Alaska Board of Fisheries, on the other hand, was given the responsibility for allocating that yield of salmon to users.[3] The clear separation of primary conservation authority from allocation authority is one of the strengths of the Alaskan fishery management system.
